Sherrine's Headshots - Part III

I loved the movement created with the wind and her body in this set of our series. I had her stand in a doorway of a gazebo right on the oce...

I loved the movement created with the wind and her body in this set of our series. I had her stand in a doorway of a gazebo right on the ocean, so the wind and reflection of light of the water acted like the perfect photographer's assistants. We did contouring and "strobing" with her make up to play up her features and you can appreciate how the light really illuminated those. She looked like a dreamy mermaid in my mind. Simply stunning.

I think this was when she started to have more fun with shooting and you could tell with how comfortable she was getting in front of the camera. I love watching someone I am shooting start to come alive on film. Before we start or sometimes as a break I often tell those I'm shooting to flip their heads upside down for a moment and shake their body so they are more organic and loose. It really works. The sexiest someone can look is when they are relaxed and confident in their own skin, and it really shows on camera.

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