Vegan GF Fudgesicle

So I have an unreasonable amount of allergies. Like, "Seinfeld's Bubble Boy Donald would probably have the hots for me and my ...

Source: Annie's Eats

So I have an unreasonable amount of allergies. Like, "Seinfeld's Bubble Boy Donald would probably have the hots for me and my genetically deficient immune system," kind of allergies. I miss out on a lot of great foods because of this and it can be a real bummer. On the bright side, I eat a lot healthier on average and get to use my creativity in the kitchen. Segway to...

Vegan Gluten Free (GF) Protein Packed Fudgesicles!!! (These are Dairy Free, Egg Free, Peanut Free, Soy Free, and Artificially/Processed Free) 

With Spring coming on in full swing I yearn for something cold and sweet without too much guilt. Besides, it's never too early for fudgesicles. This recipe I made up is creamy and everything you'd want in a normal fudgesicle, I swear!

  • 1/2 cup GF oats 
  • 1/2 cup organic cacao powder (I like "OMG!") 
  • 1/2-1 whole avocado*
  • 1/2-3/4 cup of cashew butter**
  • 3 tbsp agave or maple syrup 
  • 1/2 cup coconut water
  • 1/2 cup canned coconut cream 
Optional Toppings
  • fresh raspberries
  • pumpkin seeds 
  • vegan chocolate chips (I like "Enjoy Life!")
  • pink rock salt
  1. Chop oats into a fine flour like consistency in food processor 
  2. Add cocao powder till fully blended
  3. Add all other inredigents and blend until smooth and creamy
  4. Optional: add toppings to bottom of popsicle molds before putting mixture so it will freeze "on top" of the popsicle once you pull it out 
  5. Pour into molds and freeze for 3-6 hours
  • *I'm still playing around with the amount of avocado but it can depend on the size. If you have OAS and can't have avocado you could try substituting bananas instead, just go lighter on the agave
  • **I chose cashew butter because it doesn't dominate the flavors like peanut butter but you can add your nut butter of choice (Sunflower, peanut butter, almond butter, etc)
  • Trick for getting fudgesicles out of their molds is running it under warm water until you can see it's separated from the mold. Or hold it in your hands and squeeze the mold until you see it's ready to lift out. If the stick looks like it's going to lift up without the fudgesicle it needs to go back in the freezer for more time. 
  • I love these for a post workout snack. It's full of protein and very filling. Plus it's nice and cold to cool you down 
Let me know if you try any variations of this. I'd love to hear if they worked or not! 

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